XR Work > VR Pizza Builder

VR Pizza Builder


A Virtual Reality(VR) application for building a fun pizza or a crazy pizza.


This work was an individual assignment for the module called Design for Emerging Technologies.

The assignment brief included the following constraints:
  • Hand Tracking
  • Exploring Interactions of Oculus Integration SDK
  • Feedback : Visual and Audio
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The hand-tracking assignment was primarily executed using the Unity game engine.

The Meta Quest 2 headset was used and hand-tracking in VR was implemented using the Oculus Integration SDK.


The app explores the following interactions:

  • Poke - for interacting with the VR Buttons, on the floating menu and on the table
  • Raycasting - To change the music on the audio player
  • Grab - To pick, place and manipulate objects

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Timeline & Mentorship

Conceptualised, planned, designed and developed between 27 Jan 2023 and 8 Feb 2023.

The project was mentored by Maurice Schleussinger.


Potential value provided:

  • Playground with pizza making as a channel for creative experimentation
  • Example of VR as a medium for learning a physical craft
  • Development of hand-eye coordination


The significant take-aways were:

  • Importance of Visual and Audio feedback
  • Signifiers and Affordances need to be considered
  • The craft, medium and the interactions, impact each other